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Title: Lippincott illustrated reviews: pharmacology
Author Name: Karen Whalen
Author Sur Name: WHALEN. Karen.
Other's Author Name: Richard Finkel and Thomas A. Panavelil [Collaborating Authors]
Author information:
Department of Pharmacotherapy & Translational Research, University of Florida, College of Pharmacy, Gainesville, FL
Edition/Published: 6th ed. _New Delhi : Wolters Kluwer , 2015
New to this edition:
  1. All NEW chapters on Drugs of Abuse, Drugs for Obesity, Antihistamines, Drugs for Urologic Disorders, Drugs for Hematopoietic Disorders, Drugs for Dermatological Disorders, and Drugs for Bone Disorders
  2. Over 380 study questions!
  3. Nearly 600 annotated, full-color illustrations visually explain complex processes!
  4. Outline format ideal for concise review and foundational learning
Physical Description:
xii, 670, : ill., tables, col.,images,.; 27.5cm.
Notes Includes Index.
Includes Index: P. 647-670
ISBN No's: 978-93-5129-338-5
Bar Code's:
Shelf Location's: 47
Subject: Pharmacology--Examination Questions.
Dewey Class No: 615.1076
Letter Call No: W55l
LC Classification: RM301.14 .P47 2015
Other's Book Information
Book ID No: 1550
Total Books: 1
Date of collection's: 08-Nov-2015
Donation / Purchase: Purchase
Language: English
Department: Pharmacology
  1. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Sixth Edition, is the updated, enhanced version of the student-favorite resource for essentials of medical pharmacology. The first-and-best resource, the Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series features clear, effective writing and hundreds of illustrations for ideal rapid review and the assimilation of complex information. Clear, sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work.
  1. Reviewer: Thomas L. Pazdernik, PhD (University of Kansas Medical Center) Description: This is an excellent pharmacology review book for healthcare professionals who are visual learners. This edition is by far the best. Purpose: This review is designed to facilitate the learning of pharmacology using over 500 excellent full-color illustrations integrated with high-yield text information on drugs. The authors have done a marvelous job of creating illustrations that students will find very helpful for the mastery of pharmacology for course and board certification exams. Audience: All who need to study pharmacology will find this book very valuable if they learn best with visuals. It is appropriate for students in nursing, pharmacy, allied health professions and medicine educational programs. Features: This book covers all areas of pharmacology that are typically covered in a discipline-based course or an integrated curriculum. By far the strength of this book is the over 500 full-color illustrations. Other features include access to a fully searchable online version with an image bank that faculty can use for preparing lectures. There are also very appropriately selected 125 national board-like review questions with appropriate explanations; however, the writing style of some of the questions still could be improved. This book also contains cross references within the book and to other titles in the series that will be extremely useful for students who learn their pharmacology in an integrated curriculum. Assessment: Many students love this illustrated review book on pharmacology, whereas teachers are often less excited about it. This edition is by far the best and I highly recommend it for students who are visual learners. Today's students have many excellent resources available to facilitate their mastery of pharmacology. They must select those that best fit their learning style."
  1. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Sixth Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of complex information and focuses on the essentials of medical pharmacology. Clear, sequential pictures present mechanisms of action and actually show, rather than tell, students how drugs work. This book features a signature outline format with more than 500 full-color illustrations and cross-references to other volumes in this bestselling, student-oriented series.
Key Features:
  1. Some of the prime features of this book a given below. To study pharmacology this is one of the standard book.
  2. The book is recommended by majority of professors.
  3. There are more than six editions of this book.
  4. To revised the chapter and prepare for exam at he end of every chapter there is self assignment questions.
  5. Tables contain drugs names, effects which make it very easy for the students to memorize.
  6. Newly formed drugs and chapters about new research are also added to the new edition.
Completely revised, updated and enhanced for its Sixth Edition, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology is the favorite pharmacology resource for students studying the essentials of medical pharmacology. The first-and-best resource, the Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series features clear, effective writing and hundreds of illustrations for ideal rapid review and the assimilation of complex information. Clear, sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work.
Enables rapid review and assimilation of complex information and focuses on the essentials of medical pharmacology.
Pharmacology is the branched of medical science that deals with the different drugs and their action on the living cells and tissues. Pharmacology is consider one of the difficult and tough subject in medical field. It is the most important subject. The importance of this subject that without knowing the different drugs their action and also side effects. The doctor can not treat the disease well. Without Knowing all these thing one can not be a good and complete doctor. Pharmacology is tough subject because memorizing of hundreds or thousands of drugs names their action mechanisms and side effects is not an easy task. Therefore, to learn and easily understand the pharmacology once have the best book of pharmacology. Fortunately there are many books of pharmacology.

Contributing Authors… v

Reviewer… vii

Illustration and Graphic Design…vii

UNIT I: Principles of Drug Therapy

Chapter 1: Pharmacokinetics…1

Chapter 2: Drug–Receptor Interactions and Pharmacodynamics…25

UNIT II: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System

Chapter 3: The Autonomic Nervous System…39

Chapter 4: Cholinergic Agonists…51

Chapter 5: Cholinergic Antagonists…65

Chapter 6: Adrenergic Agonists…77

Chapter 7: Adrenergic Antagonists…95

Unit III: Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System

Chapter 8: Drugs for Neurodegenerative Diseases…107

Chapter 9: Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Drugs…121

Chapter 10: Antidepressants…135

Chapter 11: Antipsychotic Drugs…147

Chapter 12: Drugs for Epilepsy…157

Chapter 13: Anesthetics…171

Chapter 14: Opioids…191

Chapter 15: Drugs of Abuse…205

Chapter 16: CNS Stimulants…215

Contents ix

x Contents x

UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System

Chapter 17: Antihypertensives…225

Chapter 18: Diuretics…241

Chapter 19: Heart Failure…255

Chapter 20: Antiarrhythmics…269

Chapter 21: Antianginal Drugs…281

Chapter 22: Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents…291

Chapter 23: Drugs for Hyperlipidemia…311

UNIT V: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System

Chapter 24: Pituitary and Thyroid…325

Chapter 25: Drugs for Diabetes…335

Chapter 26: Estrogens and Androgens…351

Chapter 27: Adrenal Hormones…365

Chapter 28: Drugs for Obesity…375

UNIT VI: Drugs for Other Disorders

Chapter 29: Drugs for Disorders of the Respiratory System…381

Chapter 30: Antihistamines…393

Chapter 31: Gastrointestinal and Antiemetic Drugs…401

Chapter 32: Drugs for Urologic Disorders…415

Chapter 33: Drugs for Anemia…423

Chapter 34: Drugs for Dermatologic Disorders…431

Chapter 35: Drugs for Bone Disorders…441

Chapter 36: Anti-inflammatory, Antipyretic, and Analgesic Agents…447

Contents xi

UNIT VII: Chemotherapeutic Drugs

Chapter 37: Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy…471

Chapter 38: Cell Wall Inhibitors…483

Chapter 39: Protein Synthesis Inhibitors…499

Chapter 40: Quinolones, Folic Acid Antagonists, and Urinary Tract Antiseptics…513

Chapter 41: Antimycobacterial Drugs…525

Chapter 42: Antifungal Drugs…535

Chapter 43: Antiprotozoal Drugs…547

Chapter 44: Anthelmintic Drugs…561

Chapter 45: Antiviral Drugs…567

Chapter 46: Anticancer Drugs…587

Chapter 47: Immunosuppressants…619

UNIT VIII: Toxicology

Chapter 48: Clinical Toxicology…631


Figure Sources…663
