Cover image
Title page
Preface to the twenty third edition
Preface to the twenty second edition
Section I: Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye and
Visual Pathway
1. Anatomy of the eye-2
2. Physiology of the eye-15
3. The physiology of vision-20
4. The neurology of vision-27
Section II: Optics and Refraction
5. Elementary optics and optical system of the normal eye-37
6. Clinical refraction and refractive errors-54
Section III: Basics of Clinical Examination and
7. Clinical history taking and interpretation of symptoms-77
8. Clinical examination-86
Assessment of vision
Examination of the anterior segment
Examination of the posterior segment and orbit
9. Clinical investigations-118
10. Ocular therapeutics and lasers-127
Section IV: Diseases of the Eye
11. Diseases of the conjunctiva-139
12. Diseases of the cornea-166
13. Diseases of the sclera-198
14. Diseases of the uveal tract-205
15. Diseases of the lens-232
16. Glaucoma-261
17. Diseases of the retina and vitreous-285
18. Diseases of the optic nerve-321
19. Intraocular tumours-345
Section V: Eye Movements and Their Disorders
20. Anatomy and physiology of the motor mechanism-355
21. Squint: Comitant strabismus-367
22. Paralytic squint-385
Section VI: Diseases of the Adnexa
23. Diseases of the eyelid-400
24. Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus-422
25. Diseases of the orbit-433
Section VII: Systemic Ophthalmology
26. Diseases of the nervous system with ocular manifestations-453
27. Ocular manifestations of systemic disorders-483
Section VIII: Ophthalmic Emergencies
28. Eye injuries-492
29. Nontraumatic ophthalmic emergencies-508
Section IX: Preventive Ophthalmology
30. Genetics in ophthalmology-516
31. Community ophthalmology-530
Section X: Ophthalmic Instruments and Their
Practical Usage
32. Dark room procedures in ophthalmology-546
33. Surgical instruments in ophthalmology-549
Appendix I: Local anaesthesia in ophthalmology-566
Appendix II: Radiology illustrations-569
Appendix III: Case studies-581