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Title: Langman's medical embryology.
Author Name: T. W. Sadler
Author Sur Name: SADLER T. W.
Author information:
<p>T.W. Sadler is the author of Langman’s medical Embryology, is most widely read and highly regarded textbook on the subject of medical embryology. He is the professor of the anatomy and professor of the pediatrics of the University of North caroling school of medicine. Where he taught for more there decades. In edition to his work on embryology, Sadler was also an expert on fetal alcohol syndrome and other development disorders.</p>
Edition/Published: 14th ed. _Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer , 2019
New to this edition:
  1. The 14th edition of Langman's Medical Embryology includes several updates and additions compared to the 13th edition. Some of the notable changes include:

    -Updated information on genetics and epigenetics, including new cell signaling pathways and transcriptional regulation

    -New chapters on embryonic induction and the genetic regulation of development

    -Updated information on the formation and development of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems, with new emphasis on stem cells and tissue engineering

    *Expanded coverage of clinical correlates, including new sections on birth defects and pregnancy complications

    -Enhanced illustrations and photographs, including new imaging techniques such as light sheet microscopy

    -Revised end-of-chapter review questions and clinical case studies

    -New information on molecular regulation and signaling. This includes a new chapter on the molecular basis of embryogenesis, as well as updated information on the role of genes and proteins in regulating embryonic development.

    -New information on gametogenesis. This includes a new chapter on the development of sperm and eggs, as well as updated information on the genetic and environmental factors that can affect gametogenesis.

    -New information on the first week of development. This includes updated information on the process of fertilization, implantation, and the formation of the bilaminar germ disc.

    -New information on the second week of development. This includes updated information on the formation of the trilaminar germ disc, the neural tube, and the heart.

    -New information on systems-based embryology. This includes updated information on the development of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.

    -New clinical correlates. This includes updated information on the clinical implications of abnormal embryogenesis, such as birth defects and genetic disorders.

    These changes reflect the ongoing evolution of knowledge and research in the field of embryology and help to keep Langman's Medical Embryology current and relevant for students and professionals alike.

Physical Description:
: <p>xxii, 432 pages : illustrations ; 24cm</p>.;
Notes Includes bibliographical references & index.
Includes Index: 411-432
ISBN No's: 978-93-88313-76-6 , ,
Bar Code's: , ,
Shelf Location's: , ,
Subject: Embryology
Dewey Class No: 612.64
LC Classification: QM601.L35 2019
Other's Book Information
Book ID No: 2305 , 2304 , 2306
Total Books: 3
Date of collection's: 26-Dec-2018 , 26-Dec-2018 , 26-Dec-2018
Language: English
Status: Available
Department: Anatomy
  1. Langman's Medical Embryology, 14th Edition is a comprehensive textbook that provides a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. The book is written in a clear and concise style, and it is richly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images.

    The book is divided into 12 chapters, which cover the following topics:

    • The development of the gametes
    • Fertilization and implantation
    • The development of the embryo
    • The development of the fetus
    • The placenta and umbilical cord
    • Abnormal development
    • Clinical correlates

    Each chapter begins with an overview of the topic, followed by a detailed discussion of the relevant anatomy and physiology. The chapters are also supplemented with clinical correlates boxes, which provide case studies that illustrate the clinical relevance of the material.

    The 14th edition of Langman's Medical Embryology has been updated to reflect the latest research in the field. The book also includes new content on the following topics:

    • The effects of the Zika virus on fetal development
    • Urogenital system disorders
    • Genetic disorders

    Langman's Medical Embryology is an essential resource for medical, nursing, and health professions students who are interested in learning about the development of the human body. The book is also a valuable resource for clinicians who need to understand the embryological basis of congenital disorders.

    Here are some of the key features of the 14th edition of Langman's Medical Embryology:

    • Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images
    • Concise chapter summaries
    • Captivating clinical correlates boxes
    • Clinical problems
    • The clear, concise writing style
    • Updated content reflects the latest clinical findings

    If you are interested in learning more about embryology and its clinical relevance, I highly recommend Langman's Medical Embryology, 14th Edition.

  1. Langman's Medical Embryology, 14th Edition has been praised by reviewers for its comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, it’s clear and concise writing style, and its rich illustrations. The text has been adopted by many medical schools and nursing programs around the world, and it is considered to be one of the leading textbooks on embryology.

  1. Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langman's Medical Embryology, Fourteenth Edition helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. Concise chapter summaries, captivating clinical correlates boxes, clinical problems, and a clear, concise writing style make the subject matter accessible and engaging to students throughout their courses. Updated content reflects the latest clinical findings on the effects of the Zika virus, urogenital system disorders, and more. Clinical Correlates boxes tie clinically relevant content to case-based scenarios students may encounter in practice.
    More than 400 full-color illustrations, micrographs, and clinical images clarify key aspects of embryonic development. Problems to Solve with accompanying answers help assess student understanding. Chapter summaries and an expanded glossary reinforce understanding of key development stages, terms, and clinical conditions. Illustrated Development Chart provides visually guides students through the stages of embryonic development at a glance. Updated online review questions with answers help students test their understanding and identify areas of weakness.

Key Features:
  1. Langman's Medical Embryology is a popular textbook used to study human embryology in medical schools. Here are some of the key features of the 14th edition:

    - The text covers all aspects of embryology, from fertilization to birth, and it includes the latest research in the field.

    - The book highlights clinically relevant information throughout the text to help medical students understand the practical implications of embryology in clinical practice.

    - The book includes more than 400 full-color illustrations, which help students visualize complex concepts and structures of human embryology.

    - The book provides summaries of each chapter's essential concepts and a "Bullets" section at the end of each chapter to help students consolidate their understanding.

    - The book comes with numerous useful student resources, such as online case studies, interactive review questions, and animations, which enhance understanding and retention of the material.

    -Clear and concise writing style. The text is written in a clear and concise style that is easy to understand, even for students with no prior background in embryology.

    -Richly illustrated with full-color diagrams, photographs, and clinical images. The text is richly illustrated with full-color diagrams, photographs, and clinical images that help students visualize the concepts being discussed.

    -Clinically relevant information. The text includes clinically relevant information that helps students understand the implications of embryological development for human health and disease.

    -Emphasis on the latest research in embryology. The text emphasizes the latest research in embryology, keeping students up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.


Langman's Medical Embryology, authored by T.W. Sadler, is a well-regarded textbook that provides a comprehensive understanding of human embryology and its clinical implications. The 14th edition of the book, like its previous editions, likely covers essential topics in embryology, including gametogenesis, fertilization, early development, organogenesis, and developmental abnormalities. It is designed to be a valuable resource for medical students, healthcare professionals, and researchers seeking a detailed understanding of human embryology.


Langman's Medical Embryology, 14th Edition provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the development of the human embryo and fetus. The text is written in a clear and concise style, and it is richly illustrated with full-color diagrams, photographs, and clinical images.

The book is organized into three parts. The first part covers the general principles of embryology, including fertilization, implantation, and organogenesis. The second part covers the development of specific organ systems, such as the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. The third part discusses the clinical aspects of embryology, such as birth defects and prenatal diagnosis.

Langman's Medical Embryology is an essential resource for students of medicine, nursing, and other health professions. The text provides a solid foundation in the basic principles of embryology, and it also covers the latest research in the field. The book is well-written, well-illustrated, and clinically relevant, making it an essential resource for anyone who wants to learn about the development of the human embryo.


Every student will be affected by a pregnancy, either their mother’s, because what happens in the womb does not necessarily stay in the womb, or by someone else’s. As health care professionals, you will often encounter women of childbearing age who may be pregnant, or you may have children of your own, or maybe it is a friend who is pregnant. In any case, pregnancy and childbirth are relevant to all of us, and unfortunately, these processes often culminate in negative outcomes. For example, 50% of all embryos are spontaneously aborted. Furthermore, prematurity and birth defects are the leading causes of infant mortality and major contributors to disabilities. Fortunately, new strategies can improve pregnancy outcomes, and healthcare professionals have a major role to play in implementing these initiatives. However, a basic knowledge of embryology is essential to the success of these strategies, and with this knowledge, every healthcare professional can play a role in providing healthier babies.

To accomplish its goal of providing a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance, Langman’s Medical Embryology retains its unique approach of combining an economy of text with excellent diagrams and clinical images. It stresses the clinical importance of the subject by providing numerous clinical examples that result from abnormal embryological events. The following pedagogic features and updates in the 14th edition help facilitate student learning.

Organization of Material: Langman’s Medical Embryology is organized into two parts. The first provides an overview of early development from gametogenesis through the embryonic period. Also included in this section are chapters on placental and fetal development as well as prenatal diagnosis and birth defects. The second part of the text provides a description of the fundamental processes of embryogenesis for each organ system.  

Clinical Correlates: In addition to describing normal events, each chapter contains clinical correlates that appear in highlighted boxes. This material is designed to demonstrate the clinical relevance of embryology and the importance of understanding key developmental events as a first step to improving birth outcomes and having healthier babies. Clinical pictures and case descriptions are used to provide this information, and this material has been increased and updated in this edition.

Genetics: Because of the increasingly important role of genetics and molecular biology in embryology and the study of birth defects, basic genetic and molecular principles are discussed. llqe first chapter provides an introduction to molecular processes, defines terms commonly used in genetics and molecular biology, and describes key pathways used in embryonic development. Then, throughout the text, major signaling pathways and genes that regulate embryological development are identified and discussed.

Extensive Art Program: The artwork has always been designed to enhance understanding of the text and includes four-color line drawings, scanning electron micrographs, and clinical pictures. Once again, artwork has been added, especially to Chapter 18, to illustrate new concepts in the development of the central nervous system, diaphragm, ear, and other structures.

Summary: At the end of each chapter is a summary that serves as a concise review of the key points described in detail throughout the chapter. Key terms are highlighted and defined in these summaries.

Problems to Solve: Problems related to the key elements of each chapter are provided to assist the students in assessing their understanding of the material. Detailed answers are provided in an appendix at the back of the book.

Glossary: A glossary of key terms has been expanded and is located at the back of the book.

thePoint Web site: This site for students and instructors provides an interactive question bank of USMLE board-type questions. Teaching aids for instructors are also provided in the form of an image bank and a series of lectures on the major topics in embryology presented in PowerPoint with accompanying notes.

I hope you find this edition of Langman’s Medical Embryology to be an excellent resource for learning embryology and its clinical significance. Together, the textbook and online site, the Point, are designed to provide a user-friendly and innovative approach to understanding the subject.


T.W. Sadler

Sheridan, MT


Part 1: General Embryology

1: Introduction to Molecular Regulation and Signaling-13

2: Gametogenesis: Conversion of Germ Cells into Male and Female Gametes-14-33

3: First Week of Development: Ovulation to Implantation-34-49

4: Second Week of Development: Bilaminar Germ Disc-50-58

5: Third Week of Development: Trilaminar Germ Disc-59-71

6: Third to Eighth Weeks: The Embryonic Period-72-95

7: The Gut Tube and the Body Cavities-96-105

8: Third Month to Birth: The Fetus and Placenta-106-127

9: Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis-128-144

Part 2: Systems-Based Embryology-145-146

10: The Axial Skeleton-147-159

11: Muscular System-160-166

12: Limbs-167-178

13: Cardiovascular System-179-222

14: Respiratory System-223-229

15: Digestive System-230-255

16: Urogenital System-256-283

17: Head and Neck-284-312

18: Central Nervous System-313-350

19: Ear-351-359

20: Eye-360-369

21: Integumentary System-370-376

Part 3: Appendix-377-378

Expandable section

Answers to Problems-379-390

Figure Credits-391-396

Glossary of Key Terms-397-409
