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Title: Davidson's principles and practice of medicine.
Author Name: Brian R. Walker, Nicki R. Colledge, Stuart H. Ralston and Ian D. Penman [Editor]
Author information:
Brian R. Walker, BSc MD FRCPE FRSE, Professor of Endocrinology, University of Edinburgh; Honorary Consultant Physician, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK; Nicki R Colledge, BSc (Hons) FRCPE, Consultant Physician in Medicine for the Elderly, Liberton Hospital and Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK; Stuart H. Ralston, MD FRCP FMedSci FRSE, Arthritis Research UK Professor of Rheumatology, University of Edinburgh; Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh UK. and Ian Penman, BSc MD FRCPE, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK
Edition/Published: 22nd ed. _London : Elsevier , 2014
New to this edition:
  1. A new chapter specifically on Stroke Disease recognises the emergence of Stroke Medicine as a distinct clinical and academic discipline.
  2. A rationalisation of the 1350 boxes used throughout the book gives a simpler and clearer presentation of the various categories.
  3. New ‘In Adolescence’ boxes recognise the fact that many chronic disorders begin in childhood and become the responsibility of physicians practising adult medicine. These boxes acknowledge the overlap ‘transitional’ phase and highlight the key points of importance when looking after young people.
  4. The regular introduction of new authors and editors maintains the freshness of each new edition. On this occasion Dr Ian Penman has joined the editorial team and 18 new authors bring new experience and ideas to the content and presentation of the textbook.
  5. An expanded International Advisory Board of 38 members includes new members from several different countries.
Physical Description:
xx, 1372, : xxii, 1274 p. : ill., tables, figs., (chiefly col.).; 26cm.
Notes Includes Index.
Includes Index: P. 1313-1372
ISBN No's: 978-0-7020-5047-3
Bar Code's:
Shelf Location's: 31
Subject: Medicine
Dewey Class No: 616
Letter Call No: W12d
LC Classification: RC46 .D24 2014
Other's Book Information
Book ID No: 1487
Total Books: 1
Date of collection's: 03-Jul-2014
Donation / Purchase: Purchase
Language: English
Status: Available
Department: Medicine
  1. Beautifully constructed with superb clarity of style - Davidson's continues to provide for students, doctors and other health professionals a sound basis for the practice of medicine. Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors Medical Book Awards This book comes through where others fail: an excellent textbook, easy to read and superb value. British Medical Journal "This latest edition remains accessible, authoritative and pretty comprehensive in its coverage. The book also retains its considerable clarity, readability and sheer breadth of subject matter. All in all, I found this book to have retained its position as an excellent one stop shop for clinical medicine for both undergraduates and a number of post graduates, in particular GPs... Considering the price, I think this provides very good value for a new edition published this year (2014). Even more impressive, this book is still at the forefront after so many years is a tribute to the man who started it all off, Sir Stanley Davidson." Glycosmedia, April 2014 Davidson's is a truly wonderful companion. . If students want a comprehensive yet accessible book to have from the start of their medical training, I would recommend this one! Tim Jackson, Brighton and Sussex Medical School A great textbook for integrating medical science and clinical medicine: whenever I have studied a topic from Davidson's, I feel as though I have a firm grasp on the science as well as the practice. Tara Berger, University of Newcastle I love this book - after reading a section, you haven't just learned it, but you've understood it. George Collins, University College London Davidson's has somehow managed to get better with age. While staying true to its foundations, it has brilliantly incorporated the latest in medical advances and treatment. Sabreen Ali, University of Sheffield I cannot recommend the introductory chapters enough - the content is gold dust for students or doctors at any stage in their career. . Davidson's stands apart from the crowd . no medic's bookshelf is complete without one. David Miller, University of Glasgow This new edition is fantastic! The book content is exceptional . this book is an institution which has improved edition on edition. Sarah Edwards, Peninsula Medical School
  1. Beautifully constructed with superb clarity of style - Davidson's continues to provide for students, doctors and other health professionals a sound basis for the practice of medicine. Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors Medical Book Awards This book comes through where others fail: an excellent textbook, easy to read and superb value. British Medical Journal "This latest edition remains accessible, authoritative and pretty comprehensive in its coverage. The book also retains its considerable clarity, readability and sheer breadth of subject matter. All in all, I found this book to have retained its position as an excellent one stop shop for clinical medicine for both undergraduates and a number of post graduates, in particular GPs... Considering the price, I think this provides very good value for a new edition published this year (2014). Even more impressive, this book is still at the forefront after so many years is a tribute to the man who started it all off, Sir Stanley Davidson." Glycosmedia, April 2014 Davidson's is a truly wonderful companion. . If students want a comprehensive yet accessible book to have from the start of their medical training, I would recommend this one! Tim Jackson, Brighton and Sussex Medical School A great textbook for integrating medical science and clinical medicine: whenever I have studied a topic from Davidson's, I feel as though I have a firm grasp on the science as well as the practice. Tara Berger, University of Newcastle I love this book - after reading a section, you haven't just learned it, but you've understood it. George Collins, University College London Davidson's has somehow managed to get better with age. While staying true to its foundations, it has brilliantly incorporated the latest in medical advances and treatment. Sabreen Ali, University of Sheffield I cannot recommend the introductory chapters enough - the content is gold dust for students or doctors at any stage in their career. . Davidson's stands apart from the crowd . no medic's bookshelf is complete without one. David Miller, University of Glasgow This new edition is fantastic! The book content is exceptional . this book is an institution which has improved edition on edition. Sarah Edwards, Peninsula Medical Schoo
  1. Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of medicine. The book comprises of chapters on therapeutics and good prescribing, molecular and genetic factors in disease, immunological factors in disease, principles of infectious disease, critical illness, medical psychiatry, sexually transmitted disease and neurological disease. In addition, the book consists of several illustrations and diagrams and chapterwise questions for the students to understand the concepts better. This book is essential for medical professional and students.
Key Features:
  1. The underlying principles of medicine are described concisely in the first part of the book, and the detailed practice of medicine within each sub-specialty is described in later system-based chapters.
  2. Most chapters begin with a two-page overview of the important elements of the clinical examination, including a manikin to illustrate the key steps in the examination of the relevant system.
  3. A practical, problem-based clinical approach is described in the ‘Presenting Problems’ sections, to complement the detailed descriptions of each disease.
  4. The text is extensively illustrated, with over 1000 diagrams, clinical photographs, and radiology and pathology images.
  5. 1350 text boxes present information in a way suitable for revision, including 150 clinical evidence boxes summarising the results of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials and 65 ’In Old Age’ boxes highlighting important aspects of medical practice in the older population.
  6. A combined index and glossary of medical acronyms contains over 10 000 subject entries. The contents can also be searched comprehensively as part of the online access to the whole book on the StudentConsult platform.
  7. Access over 500 self-testing questions with answers linked to the book’s content for further reading.
  8. The text uses both SI and non-SI units to make it suitable for readers throughout the globe.
Includes details of contemporary medical practice. This title also provides the factual knowledge required to practise medicine, explaining it in the context of underlying principles, basic science and research evidence, and shows how to apply this knowledge to the management of patients who present with problems rather than specific diseases.
Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine talks about contemporary medical practice with extensive inputs. Every chapter in the book is based on a system where an overview of the main elements is presented. This comes in handy for aspirants undergoing clinical examinations. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine describes the basic principles of medicine in a concise manner in the book’s first section. Major sub-specialties of medicine, along with relevant details, are presented in the following chapters. There is a special section containing common complaints presented by patients. Special emphasis is placed on horizontal aspects like pregnancy and ageing. There are more than 150 boxes of evidence based medicine which contain prominent clinical trial conclusions. Both non-SI and SI units are used throughout the text along with illuminating illustrations numbering over a thousand. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine also contains various techniques for imaging and other clinical photographs. There are detailed summaries of practical skills for junior doctors and medical students. These are called Practice Point summaries and deal with everything from arterial blood gases to inserting nasogastric tube insertion and ECG interpretation. The International Advisory Board has also been consulted in order to create a global perspective throughout the book. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine has been used by more than two million readers worldwide. This includes a burgeoning population of health professionals, students and doctors. This book specializes in providing updated medical practice details for readers in a lucid and understandable manner. This book is a rich storehouse of basic principles, factual information, and research findings.
Since Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine was first published in 1952, over two million copies have been sold and the book has acquired a large following of medical students, doctors and other health professionals all over the world. It has been translated into many languages, most recently Japanese, Russian, Italian and Polish, and has won numerous prizes, the last edition being highly commended in the British Medical Association Book Awards. Davidson’s has endured because with each new edition it has evolved to provide comprehensive updated information in a concise and easy-to-read format. From its beginnings, Davidson’s has sought to explain the basis for medical practice. The integration of ‘preclinical’ science with clinical practice is now a feature of many undergraduate medical curricula, and many students use Davidson’s from the outset of their medical course. In recognition of this, the first part of the book,‘Principles of Medicine’, highlights the mechanisms of health and disease, along with the professional and ethical principles underlying medical practice. Many examples of clinical problems are included to bring the medical sciences to life for the new student and to rejuvenate the interest of the experienced clinician. The second part of the book, ‘Practice of Medicine’, covers the major medical specialties. Every chapter has been thoroughly revised for this edition to ensure that it reflects the ‘cutting edge’ of medical knowledge and practice and is pitched at a level of detail to meet the needs of candidates preparing for examination for Membership of the Royal College of Physicians or its equivalents. In recognition of the emerging specialty of Stroke Medicine, this topic is now covered in a separate chapter from Neurological Disease. Surgical approaches to disease management are mentioned in Davidson’s, but readers are encouraged to consult the sister book, Principles and Practice of Surgery, for more details. Many of the innovations introduced in recent editions have been warmly received. We have retained both a patient-orientated approach, in the ever-popular ‘Clinical Examination’ overviews and ‘Presenting Problems’ sections, alongside practical content, in ‘Emergency’ and ‘Practice Point’ boxes. Embedding horizontal themes within the book – for example, with the ‘In Old Age’ and ‘In Pregnancy’ boxes – has been applauded, and we have extended this approach by adding ‘In Adolescence boxes in relevant chapters; these emphasise key points in managing the transition of patients between paediatric and adult services. We are proud of Davidson’s international heritage. As well as recruiting authors from around the globe, particularly for topics such as Infectious Diseases and HIV, we have welcomed new members on to our International Advisory Board. These leading experts from 16 countries provide detailed comments that, along with the feedback received from our global readership, are crucial to our planning of every chapter in each new edition. We have also visited several medical schools on the Indian subcontinent and received invaluable feedback from students and teachers. We have addressed as many of these suggestions as possible in this edition. Education is achieved by assimilating information from many sources and readers of this book can enhance their learning experience by using complementary resources. The StudentConsult platform continues to provide online access to the text and illustrations of the main edition. The book is also available in various eBook formats. Davidson’s has had a long-standing association with its sister books, Macleod’s Clinical Examination (now in its 13th Edition) and Principles and Practice of Surgery (now in its 6th Edition). The Davidson’s ‘family’ has expanded with the publication of Davidson’s Essentials of Medicine, a long -requested pocket-size version of the main text; Davidson’s Foundations of Clinical Practice, a guide to starting work as a junior doctor; Davidson’s 100 Clinical Cases, which contains cases directly based on the ‘Presenting Problems’ in the main text; and Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis, which describes a systematic approach to differential diagnosis of symptoms and signs. We congratulate the editors and authors of these books for continuing the tradition of concise, easily read and beautifully illustrated texts. The regular introduction of new authors and editors to Davidson’s is important to maintain the freshness of each new edition. On this occasion, Dr Ian Penman has joined the editorial team and 18 new authors have contributed material. We all take immense pride in producing an outstanding book for the next generation of doctors, and in continuing the great tradition first established by Sir Stanley Davidson and passed on by all the previous editors and authors, for what remains one of the world’s leading textbooks of medicine.


1 Good medical practice 1

A.D. Cumming • S.I.R. Noble

2 Therapeutics and good prescribing 17

S. Maxwell

3 Molecular and genetic factors in disease 41

D.R. FitzPatrick • J.R. Seckl

4 Immunological factors in disease 71

S.E. Marshall

5 Environmental and nutritional factors in disease 97

P. Hanlon • M. Byers • J.P.H. Wilding • H.M. Macdonald

6 Principles of infectious disease 133

R.P. Hobson • D.H. Dockrell

7 Ageing and disease 165

M.D. Witham


8 Critical illness 179

G.R. Nimmo • T. Walsh

9 Poisoning 205

S.H.L. Thomas • J. White

10 Medical psychiatry 231

M.C. Sharpe • S.M. Lawrie

11 Oncology 259

G.G. Dark • A.R. Abdul Razak

12 Palliative care and pain 283

D. Oxenham

13 Infectious disease 293

D.H. Dockrell • S. Sundar • B.J. Angus • R.P. Hobson

14 HIV infection and AIDS 387

G. Maartens

15 Sexually transmitted infections 411

G.R. Scott

16 Clinical biochemistry and metabolism 427

M.J. Field • L. Burnett • D.R. Sullivan • P. Stewart

17 Kidney and urinary tract disease 461

J. Goddard • A.N. Turner

18 Cardiovascular disease 525

D.E. Newby • N.R. Grubb • A. Bradbury

19 Respiratory disease 643

P.T. Reid • J.A. Innes

20 Endocrine disease 733

M.W.J. Strachan • J. Newell-Price

21 Diabetes mellitus 797

E.R. Pearson • R.J. McCrimmon

22 Alimentary tract and pancreatic disease 837

I.D. Penman • C.W. Lees

23 Liver and biliary tract disease 921

Q.M. Anstee • D.E.J. Jones

24 Blood disease 989

H.G. Watson • J.I.O. Craig • L.M. Manson

25 Rheumatology and bone disease 1057

S.H. Ralston • I.B. McInnes

26 Neurological disease 1137

J.P. Leach • R.J. Davenport

27 Stroke disease 1231

P. Langhorne

28 Skin disease 1249

S.H. Ibbotson • R.S. Dawe

29 Laboratory reference ranges 1307

S.W. Walker

Index 1313
